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Top Free Dating Sites 2020

Originally Published:
New Dating Site 2020

With phrases like fleabagging, flashpanning, and obligaswiping, you’d be excused for thinking modern dating feels a bit like talking a foreign language. And yet, if you’re out here single, and ready to find the one (or the one right now), you’ve got to get acquainted with the many terms for being avoided, led on, or ignored. We came into the year with quite a few dating trends to look out for in 2020, and the list has been growing ever since.

Of course we all know about ghosting. 'Did he ghost me?' 'I'm getting ghosted.' It's a horrible feeling, but far from uncommon. You've probably also heard of bird boxing, a term born out of the massive success of the Sandra Bullock film released way back in December 2018. It describes a situation in which someone is blind to how bad the person they’re dating is.

Best Online Dating Site 2020

Other now-famous terms include breadcrumbing, a fancy word for stringing someone along, which took over as the dating trend to avoid, and then there's zombieing, or the return of someone who ghosted you.


New Dating Site 2020 Free

There are so many, each one stranger than the next, and yet that isn't even the tip of the iceberg. This year has brought us more trends, and even if you never plan on saying them out loud, it's still good to know what they mean. Here, 20 new dating terms to come to grips with in 2020. (Brace yourselves.)