Christiancafe Dating Site

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Welcome to, a Christian dating site that has been successfully connecting Christian singles since 1999. Over 25,000 marriages have resulted! We've featured over 3,000 testimonials. From those who lived in the same city, to those on the opposite ends of the world, they've met right here at Our Christian single parents dating site has helped singles from all over the country who are looking for romance online. is responsible for over 25,000 marriages and we could do the same for your dating life. Don't waste any more time on other dating web sites, join us today and start meeting singles once again. Christian Dating site to connect with other Christian Singles online. Start your Free Trial to chat with your perfect match. Christian-owned since 1999.

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If you’re like me, online dating sites can be something of a mystery and a bit of a curiosity. Over the years, I’ve probably encountered well over 10 married couples that met through an online dating site, such as ChristianCafe – all of them happily married. In fact, just the other night I met a couple who recently got married, purchased a house and just after moving into the new home, discovered they were pregnant with their first baby. Filled with curiosity, I asked what the difference is between being married and single. The husband communicated that there’s a lot of stress being married, adding that it’s all worth it. He was filled with anticipation as to the choices and decisions made leading to this moment; a happily married man, first-time homeowner, with a baby on the way. My closing comment as we parted ways was, “Congratulations! This is going to be your best year yet!” He replied with a smile, “It’s definitely looking that way.”

In the same 24-hour period of this conversation, a friend referred me to As a single Christian man, I figured it couldn’t hurt to explore this site out a little bit and see what happens? This article is a review of my experience with

Signing Up on ChristianCafe

ChristianCafe starts you off with a 7-day FREE trial, which is nice. The sign-up process is fairly straightforward and simple. They ask some fundamental questions, current and previous status – relationally speaking. They ask about children, pets, income, and definitely ask about your Christian faith. You’re free to be as brief or in-depth as you like in your responses. That’s really nice. It took about 10 minutes max to go through all the questions and sign up for an account.

Wow! That was fast. In less than 15 minutes of filling out my profile, without even a profile image uploaded, a female interested in conversing contacted me. I didn’t expect that! Well, clearly there are people active on this site. I didn’t think someone would connect so promptly, much less with no photo posted in my profile. When I read the message, I was given the option to acknowledge the email or not. I found comfort in this option. It’s nice knowing that there’s no obligation to reply, after all, I’m just getting settled in here. Sometimes on certain platforms, people can see that you read a message and replying or engaging in conversation is not always possible or desired for one reason or another. It was nice to have control over the communication.

Christian Cafe Dating Site

Upload Your Image: 3-Day Bonus

Ha! If you upload a photo of yourself, the Christian Café website will give you an extra 3-days of use for free. Get 10-days of a free trial! That’s a nice extra bonus.

ChristianCafe: Local Match Maker

Christian Cafe Dating Site Reviews

Something I found to be very interesting is at the end of the profile creation, I was invited to connect with a local “matchmaker” over the phone. This was a service separate from There wasn’t a cost associated with it that I noticed. They even call you! Pretty cool. Personally, I skipped this process, as I am more interested in the site itself, for now. I was a little surprised and not anticipating something so in-depth and personal. However, it’s rather intriguing and something to investigate a little later perhaps? One thing at a time.

Resources under the “Community” tab:

Check out the “community” tab. What a great spot filled with information and connection points.


The forum includes an opportunity for discussion to take place on all kinds of various topics. Have your profile critiqued, ask men, ask women, and groups based on age exist here. Seems like a very helpful place to interact.


Have a prayer request? Feel free to post a pray request under the prayer section. There’s opportunity to ask for prayer of any kind.

Dating 101

Need some tips on dating? The dating 101 section has help for both men and women. Learn some tips and see what the opposite sex is being instructed about dating if you’re interested.


Check out’s blog! There are so many topics to explore such as advice, marriage, online dating, humor, and much more.


The proof is in the pudding. Christian Café offers testimonies every month all the way back to 2013! Read what other couples have to say regarding their successful relationship, thanks to this website.


The “Online” tab is where you can search for people you’d like to meet. Search for people online. Look for people based on gender or region.


The “Search” tab allows individuals to look for people based on different attributes, such as:

  • Quick Match
  • New Members
  • By Username
  • Birthday
  • Favorites
  • Who’s Viewed Me
  • Blocked Members


The “Profile” tab is very easy to update. You’re able to update and change anything at any time. I like the ease and clarity of where I’m at on the website. Adding a picture is very simple and straightforward. The profile gives anyone an interesting view of you, enough so the viewer is able to determine if they’d like to contact you further.


Christian dating free

The “Help” tab is the best! It includes anything and everything under the sun. If you want to make changes, find something, etc. this section offers everything you need.

Free Christian Cafe Dating Site

I think the best part of the “Help” drop down is the fact they offer “safety and “scam” sections educating users on how to go about online dating. This is important for both genders. Be wise and follow Christian Café’s advice on how to go about dating online. Great insight and wisdom here.


The “Membership” tab is where you go to subscribe to It seems they regularly have sales. It’s about a week after Valentine’s Day and they have a “Post Valentine’s Day” Special taking place that ends shortly. It’s possible to join the website for only $8 and change if you subscribe for a year. There’s a sliding scale from there depending on the length of time one subscribes.

What I like about ChristianCafe:

  • Protected privacy and anonymity
  • Simplicity and functionality
  • Opportunity to meet people from around the world
  • Great content and information on “Christian dating”
  • Prayer focus

Constructive Feedback for ChristianCafe:

  • A Bigger incentive for people to upload a profile picture. Several profiles didn’t have pictures.
  • Create an anonymous system for people to have a live conversation, within the website’s platform. It doesn’t even need to have video. This might exist in form of Skype or other technologies but what if they could keep people on their platform, maintain privacy and even have group discussions or virtual bible studies with other singles? That would be powerful and cutting edge stuff.

Christiancafe Dating Site

My closing thoughts on ChristianCafe:


I like the simplistic style the site offers. It’s ULTRA easy to use. I feel like a 9-year-old or an 80-year-old could figure this site out easily enough to interact with on a regular basis. There’s a great library of content on the subject of relationships, not to mention “online relationships.” Being a little skeptical about the idea of online dating, Christian Café.com really makes me feel comfortable and at ease with the entire process. On top of that, there’s a good amount of people on here looking to meet and interact with you, not to mention pray for you. This site completely highlights the importance of being a Christian and lets that element take center stage for all to see. As a Christian, committed and serious about the words of Jesus, that’s a big deal to me.

Christian Dating Free

If you’re a single Christian looking to open your scope of relationships to a global “Christian” arena, take the plunge on! You might be pleasantly surprised?!

This Valentine’s Day, please consider making a love offering to GOD TV!

Christian Cafe Dating Site Login

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Christian Singles

This review was done by Joshua Paul, a staff writer for GOD TV. Joshua Paul grew up in a Christian home, regularly attending Church on Sundays. Today he is an entrepreneur and published author.

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